Chaddlewood United Church, Plympton
A very warm welcome awaits you at Chaddlewood United Church every Sunday, 10am 11am.

We also offer the following groups and activities at the Community Centre:
- Parents and Toddlers Group (during term time):
Wednesdays - 1:30pm 3:00pm Fridays - 9.30am - 11.00am
- Bible-based Discussion Group:
Fridays - 11.30am - 12.30pm
- Friday Friends Community Lunch:
Fridays - 12.30pm - 2.00pm
- Good Company:
A monthly ladies' evening out for friendship, good food and fun on the first Thursday in each month, or a lunchtime meal on the first Tuesday of each month.
For further information call Judith Goodridge on 337178
About Chaddlewood United Church

We meet for worship and fellowship every Sunday at 10am in the Chaddlewood Farm Community Centre, which is situated next to the Shopping centre at the eastern end of Glen Road, Plympton.
All our Services include worship, prayer and readings from the Bible. There is also Holy Communion on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Everyone is most welcome, including children with their parents, people of all Christian denominations and those who are seeking God and a living faith.
The Aims of Our Church Are:
- To Worship God through Word and Sacrament
- To Love and Serve the wider Community
- To encourage those who do not know Jesus Christ
- To support each other Spiritually and Pastorally
- To nurture the Faith of each individual Member
- To strive together for unity in all we do, and
- To undergird all things with prayer
Our Twentieth Anniversary Celebrations
These were held on the last weekend of September and included a Celebration Meal on the Saturday at the Community Centre and on Sunday, a special Family Service on the led by the Revd. John Richards, formerly the Vicar of St Marys and Chair of the Trustees of the Community Association.
Here are some pictures: 
