About St Mary's Church, Plympton
Sunday Worship
We see the worship of God as our primary task, and we want to offer of our best in worship. The Eucharist / Holy Communion is at the centre of our worshipping life. On Sundays the main service of the day at St. Marys is the Parish Eucharist / Communion at 10am. This is a sung service and includes a Sunday Club for children. There is a childrens area in the church and parents with very young children are encouraged to join us. We are keen to see greater participation by children and young people in the life of the church here. Coffee is served at the back of church after this service. A mini-bus is provided, enabling those without transport to attend this service. There is a toilet at the church.
The other Sunday services at St. Marys are Holy Communion at 8am, which is a said service in traditional language, and Evensong at 6.30pm, a sung service according to the Book of Common Prayer. This is the regular weekly pattern, with occasional variations.
The clergy seek to encourage the spiritual life in public and personal devotion. They are committed to the life of prayer and study of the Bible, and to the ministry of preaching and teaching.
At Chaddlewood, Anglicans and Methodists work together to provide a weekly Sunday service at 10am. 
Daily Services
There is a Eucharist at St. Marys on:
Tuesday at 11am
Wednesday at 9am
Thursday at 7pm
Friday at 8.30am
The clergy meet to say Morning and Evening Prayer each day in church, and are delighted when others can join them. The usual pattern is:
Morning Prayer at:
8.30am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday;
8.45am on Wednesday
8.15am on Friday
Evening Prayer at:
5pm on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday
None on Wednesday
6.45pm on Thursday
Specific information about out forthcoming services is available on our Services page. 
A weekly notice sheet provides details of the daily psalms and Bible readings. There is a leaflet with daily intentions for prayer, so that whether in church or at home, all can share in the prayer life of the church. A group meets in church once a month for meditation and there are study groups in the parish that meet during the week. The Anglican Sisters of Charity are resident in the parish, sharing in its worship and work.
We aim to be a welcoming and caring church. The Parish Centre, in Market Road, provides excellent facilities for a wide range of church and community activities, with its large hall and smaller meeting room. A variety of groups and organisations cater for many needs and interests. The Parish Office is situated in the Centre, and is open on weekday mornings. (Telephone: 01752 348525) The office staff can deal with all sorts of enquiries related to the church.
We are committed to the community of Plympton. The church is represented on Plympton Community Council. We are very pleased when the church is used for community occasions, as happens at regular intervals through the year, especially for the great festivals and national or civic occasions. We welcome opportunities to work with local schools. There is a Church of England Infants School here. The ministry to the residential and nursing homes of the parish is important to us.
St. Marys belongs to Christians Together in Plymouth and supports ecumenical activities in Plympton. We also value our links with the world church, and support various missionary and humanitarian organisations.